This site is designed to provide pension plan sponsors and their participants with a resource of educational information about lifetime based pension annuities.
Defined benefit pensions are designed to provide retirement income for life. While there are many pension plan designs, at the end of the day it’s all about fulfilling a need for a lifetime based income during retirement. This is precisely the purpose of a pension plan. When a lump sum is available, it is also an option that is difficult to compare. A pension annuity may be more valuable than many understand due to limited information or effective tools.
The purpose of this website is to provide objective and transparent information to compare and evaluate a lifetime based pension annuity when you are eligible for a distribution.
This site was developed by Qualified Annuity Services, Inc. and is intended to help plan sponsors and participants gain valuable insight into the often overlooked inherent value in insuring a retirement income. In terms of retirement income security, lifetime monthly checks form a valuable foundation for retirement income security. Historically, Social Security, pensions and personal savings formed a stable 3-legged stool for retirement. The fact that the number of defined benefit plans and participants is shrinking is no reason to ignore the question:
Does a pension annuity have value in retirement income security?
The answer seems obvious, but the deeper question is:
How do you measure the value of a pension annuity versus a lump sum?
The value of a pension annuity is generally acknowledged by financial advisors. However it is rarely measured. When a lump sum is available, a pension annuity loses its luster without regard to any measure other than: “You always do better in the market”.
Why? The simple reason is:
There are no relevant tools available to compare and evaluate a pension annuity versus a lump sum.
Here, at, users have the opportunity to view proprietary methods developed to compare and evaluate a pension annuity versus a lump sum. As with any financial decision, individual circumstances drive the ultimate decision. What’s missing is a process for vetting important questions:
Should I insure my retirement income with a pension annuity?
How do I determine the value of a pension annuity?
Is it better to take a lump sum if available?
What return is needed to replace a pension annuity if I take a lump sum?
When should I consider starting a pension annuity?
What are the costs or benefits of choosing a pension annuity versus a lump sum?
What factors should I consider in selecting an annuity option?
What are the guarantees for a pension annuity?
Can I start my pension annuity later?
What are the costs or benefits of starting my pension annuity later?
We hope this site brings relevant information to users so that retirement income security can be understood in a transparent and informed manner among plan sponsors, participants, advisors and providers.